It's been 10 days now - followed the instructions and took the 2 days off, taking correct dosage, and can't say I feel either increased energy or any change at all in pretty much anything.
Been using for a week now but haven't noticed any real effects as of yet either cognitively nor focus nor energy. Will give it another couple of weeks and then re review. Taking 7 in morning on empty stomach.
I took the pills as directed for 2 weeks and experienced no real impact, except for a light buzzing. I was hoping for something miraculous, like the many reviews that I read. I look forward to using my money back guarantee.
I have been taking it as it says on bottles and felt no differnce mentally or emotionally or physically, may work for others but it did not work for me.
Well, my experience was not the best. I had issues with sleep and was forced to cut the dose in half. I do believe that external job stressors may have been a contributing factor. I would be open to trying again.