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How do I get the best results with Qualia?

Qualia is intended to support cognitive function and productive flow states as a part of a lifestyle that promotes well being and optimal performance. Good nutrition, exercise, sleep, mental engagement, emotional management, and an empowered outlook are all essential for a healthy body and brain.

Qualia was designed for regular use, with cycling: 5 days on and 2 days off each week. This maximizes the benefits while preventing desensitization. It does not matter if the 2 "off-cycle" days are consecutive or apart, so long as they happen each week. For maximum benefits, we recommend that people cycle off all caffeine (including this product) for one week every three months or so. Qualia can also be used fewer days per week, or on an as needed basis for immediate effects, but the longer term effects this product is designed to support require regular use over an extended period of time.

Qualia is most effective in a rested brain and is not intended to enhance function during sleep deficit. Good sleep is crucial for optimal cognitive function. When you engage your brain more intensely, it can increase your need for sleep, as is the case with intense exercise. Please note many people describe their sleep cycle going through an adjustment process the first few days on Qualia. If you experience any lingering insomnia or sleep issue, you may want try taking Qualia earlier in the day or lowering the dosage, prior to ceasing use.

The instructions matter! This is a powerful nootropic stack, taking it as intended is important.

*Please note, the following can impact or alter the effects of Qualia:

  • Taking Qualia if contraindicated in the disclaimer may not be safe. 
  • Taking Qualia too late in the day may interfere with sleep.
  • Desensitization from other past stimulants, psychotropic drugs or meds may lessen the effects
  • Not drinking enough water 
  • Cannabis or alcohol use
  • Caffeine desensitization

More Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do if I experience increased heart rate or flushing

If you are particularly sensitive to having heart rate increase because you have a heart condition or tachycardia, Qualia might be contraindicated. Please refer to our medical disclaimer and consult with your doctor.

If it’s only mildly elevated, stop use for a day or two, and try again at a lower dose, if you like. 

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Can Qualia be used by those who have neuro-degenerative conditions?

Parkinsons, Multiple Sclerosis, and Alzheimers are all very different conditions and those with these or any other neuro-degenerative conditions are contraindicated. To date, we have not done any clinical trials pairing Qualia with neurological conditions, and as such, have no data to share regarding its potential impact.

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Can Qualia increase anxiety?

Though not common, a small percentage of people who have taken Qualia have noticed some increased level of anxiety when initially taken. Typically these are people who also notice an increased level of anxiety from caffeine related sources.

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Can I take Qualia while also using recreational drugs?

Since recreational drugs are not legal in the United States, we are not in a position to advise regarding their interactions with Qualia. 

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What should I do if I can't swallow pills?

Are there alternative ways to take Qualia capsules or tablets and still get a beneficial effect?


You can open the Qualia capsules and take with water or even place under the tongue for quicker absorption.

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What should I do if I experience sleep disturbance?

Some people experience a re-regulation of sleep patterns after the first week on Qualia. Some users may find they fall asleep later, or sleep less, or have more vivid dreams. If those experiences occur, they generally normalize within a week of regular use.

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Is Qualia dose-dependent based on body weight?

Typically the standard recommended dose is applicable across the board except for a small percentage of people. Body weight can be one factor that requires dosage adjustment, as can highly sensitive or de-sensitized systems. With this in mind, we recommend starting with the standard dose, and then, if needed, making any adjustments from there.

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Does Qualia help address anxiety or depression?

Unfortunately, the chemistry of depression and anxiety can be very nuanced. As such, we do not recommend anyone experiencing any type of psychiatric issues take Qualia unsupervised. While some have reported that they have felt a brighter mood and more calmness after taking Qualia, we recommend further discussing this with your physician. Please also see our disclaimer below:

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Is Qualia product safe to take with a/o as a replacement for Adderall?

We do not recommend taking Qualia with any other psychoactive medication, such as Adderall.

You should consult your physician when discontinuing use of any psychoactive medication prior to using any product you are intending to replace the use of a psychoactive medication.

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Can I take Qualia while pregnant or breastfeeding?

As found in our medical disclaimer, Qualia should not be taken by women who are pregnant or nursing. 

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