Soybean Seed Extract

Soy is a legume (i.e., part of the plant family that contains beans, peas, and peanuts as examples) native to East Asia, where it is used to make a variety of fermented foods, such as soy sauce, tofu, tempeh, and miso. Most legumes, and some nuts and seeds, contain a type of bioflavonoid called isoflavones. Soybeans are the most common source of isoflavones in human food; the major isoflavones in soybean are genistein, daidzein, and glycitein. Daidzein is partially metabolized by the gut microbiota to produce the isoflavone equol, which is more bioavailable to humans and an important metabolite for many of the soy isoflavone health benefits [1–3].*


Supports healthy aging *

Supports cellular health *

Supports skin health *

Supports maintenance of healthy cognitive function *


Soybean Seed Extract is produced from the seed (i.e., what most people call a soybean is technically the seed) and standardized to contain not less than 40% soy isoflavones.

Soybean Seed Extract is non-GMO, gluten-free,  vegan, and certified Kosher and Halal.


Soy is rich in isoflavones; fermenting soybeans increases the content of isoflavones in soy foods. Because of this, cuisines that consistently consume fermented soybean foods have much higher isoflavone intake than Western diets. Average daily intake of soy isoflavones in the Japanese diet is 25-50 mg, for example. In the USA and Europe, average intake is less than 3 mg and often less than 1 mg a day [4]. Human studies of soy isoflavones have most commonly used a serving of 40-160 mg, with the low end of the range closely mimicking the average intake from a Japanese diet. Soybean Seed Extract is standardized to contain not less than 40% soy isoflavones (it provides 40 mg of isoflavones per 100 mg of the extract). Isoflavones have been administered in clinical studies at amounts ranging from 40 to 200 mg per day, depending on the purpose of the intervention [5,6]. We set a recommended serving consistent with the studied range but towards the low-to-middle end of that range because isoflavones are polyphenolic compounds, which tend to follow hormetic dosing principles (see Qualia Dosing Principles). We expect this serving to play a complementary role with other ingredients used in the formula.*  


Promotes healthy aging and longevity*

Supports anti-senescence mechanisms* [7–10]

Supports cellular functions involved with managing stressed cells* [11–18]

Supports autophagy* [10,19–21]

Supports skin health*

May help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles* [5,22,23]

Supports skin elasticity* [5]

Supports dermal extracellular matrix (ECM) structure* (fibroblast renewal, collagen, elastic fibers, hyaluronic acid levels)* [22,24–29] 

Influences ECM breakdown enzymes* [22,27,28] 

Supports dermal vascularity* [26] 

Supports skin in adapting to environmental stress* [22,30–39] 

Supports healthy DNA structure and repair* [27,28,30,31,34–36,39] 

Supports healthy immune/cytokine signaling* [28,38–41]

Supports antioxidant defenses and counters oxidative stress* [24,27–29,36,42]

Supports ERβ - Nrf2 signaling pathway* [43,44]

Influences skin androgen signaling (via type 1 5α-reductase)* [27,28,45] 

Counters advanced glycation end product (AGE) production* [46]

Counters the expression of human skin aging biomarkers (S100 CBP A8 and S100 CBP A9)* [27]

Other actions*

Supports cognitive function* [47–49]

Supports a healthy gut microbiota composition* [50–53]

Influences NF-κB signaling* [14,54]

Influences AMPK signaling* [10,19]

Influences SIRT1 signaling* [8,19]

Complementary ingredients*

Astaxanthin in supporting skin health* [55]

Lycopene, vitamin C and vitamin E in supporting skin health* [56]

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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