Guest reviewed Qualia Mitochondria+ (formerly Qualia Life)
Long-Hauler Relief
Two weeks in, and hope returns. You see, I'm what's being termed a long-hauler: still symptomatic 144 days after onset. Energy baseline rock-bottomed. More horrifyingly, mental capacity and cognitive function eroded beyond personal recognition. Enter Qualia Eternus and Mind. They're moving the ne...
Eternus is worth it!
I was buying several different individual products/supplements each month before I found Eternus. The ingredients stack of Eternus has all that I was buying plus many more great ingredients. When I compared the costs of my normal supplements to the cost of Eternus the decision was an easy one. ...
Energy & Clarity whilst gentle on the body.
I was one of the people that noticed results from this almost immediately, probably the most noticeable effect i have is that by the end of the day instead of being fatigued and looking for comfort and distraction i feel clear headed, happy, alert and energetic. I personally find 'life' much more...
Best product ever!
Eternus is amongst my top favorite products ever. It stabilizes me. I can think ahead, with stronger intuition, and prioritize! The clarity is awesome, and I'm getting much more action to go with my planning. I love it the drive!