Katelyn M. reviewed Qualia Resilience | Beta Tester
I hadn’t noticed a major difference at first but I did test positive for covid shortly after beginning it. I’m all better now and today was a day. I took one of my extra vehicles out for a drive to keep the battery charged up and it died about a mile from home. My sister came to give me a jump but we tried three times and it wouldn’t stay running. I pulled an old rope out of the back and hooked it up to my sisters jeep and towed it home down the highway. Normally things like this stress me out so bad but I’m realizing now that today it didn’t. I stayed calm and levelheaded and took care of the problem. 10/10 would recommend these vitamins so far.
Cool products
Have been trying out mind, night and resilience for the past few weeks and have been enjoying them so far.
Lifts my daily motivation
I really like this Qualia product. Since I have started taking it I am noticing a lifting of my mood and outlook on the day. I feel like I have a more 'can do' attitude. I take one capsule in the morning and one in the mid-day.
Just amazing...
My girlfriend has been using qualia products for a while. Christmas 2023 she gave me the little bottle of Resilience+ the big bottle of Mind capsules... This has been my experience... I took 4 of the mind capsules just before walking up a fell near the lake district UK. Within a few minutes my mi...
Help with work demands
Work has been overwhelming with stress and tasks. This product gives me motivation and the extra boost I need.