Debbie T. reviewed Qualia Mind Essentials
Easier to concentrate and my memory is sharper. I don’t feel like I’m struggling to recall things. I also don’t feel that mental fatigue when trying to work for longer intervals.
Originally I enjoyed Qualia Mind very mind but had to switch to Focus for financial reasons. Mind is significantly better than Focus for memory however for mood improvement (my serendipitous benefit) their both equal. I look forward to trying Eternus.
First Week Completion
I’ve settled on 5 capsules per dose, after scaling back to 4 on the second and third days. Each day, I felt a little better than the previous days, although a little spacey and revved up a few minutes after taking the capsules. I’ve had two days off, and today I started again. I feel better than ...
Able to focus on tasks and the product is very effective.
The added benefit is a good idea.
Review of 3 months worth of Qualia Focus
I have taken Focus for almost 3 months now and it is effective and worth the money. It does produce a measurable difference in my focus and clarity and I intend to keep taking it for years to come.