Julie B. reviewed Qualia Life
I really enjoyed the extra focus and energy, I didn’t feel like I got the afternoon wall as I typically do.
Get more done!
Noticed greater ability to focus on work with the energy to follow through. In the past I would have the desire to work but the energy to focus and actually follow through was lacking. After 1 week on this supplement there was good change. I appreciated the amount of ingredients in this produc...
Great product
I have seen significant changes in my energy and ability to concentrate.
Excellent motivator
I felt it on the second day - I felt more energized, and was able to get things started (always the hardest part)
So far, so good
I have only been taking this for a few days and already notice results. My mood and energy have skyrocketed. Sleep has always been a struggle for me and I have slept like a baby for the past few nights. It can't be coincidence....I have never had multiple consecutive nights of sleep like this....