Monica M. reviewed Qualia Skin | Beta Tester
I noticed a significant improvement in the elasticity and the moisture of my skin.
Clearer and more resilient skin
I can feel & see a difference taking these vitamins. My skin is clearer and able to handle stressors (makeup, wind, cold, etc) better without immediately looking dull or producing acne. I spent a long time looking through each ingredient and the purpose for it, I am thoroughly impressed with ...
The physical properties of my skin were beneficial changed and enhanced!
Now that the trial has ended, there is no doubt that my skin had profoundly younger traits, including the disappearance of lines and wrinkles, smoother feel and greater elasticity. I'm slowly watching my skin revert back to the 52 y/o man skin that it possessed prior to the trial as more and more...
From Crepe to Smooth.
The crepey skin on my arms were diminishing and were looking more smooth.