Beth C. reviewed Qualia Mind Essentials
Perfect solution for a calm, cool, and collected approach to your life. I feel great!
Wow after trying it for a week and been off of it for 2 days all I can say is that it is amazing I am full of energy but not like when you drink an energy drink it feels more naturally. I’m getting more things done during the day, waking up as soon as my eyes open instead of feeling drowsy and ge...
I'm really liking how the energy seems very clean with no jitters, doesn't come on too fast but also doesn't take long
Clean energy, no jitters
I just received my bottle of Qualia Focus 3 days ago, and have tried it 3 times. I would like a bit more time before rendering a final assessment, but so far, I have found it to be effective in enhancing focus. I notice a slight stimulation effect, perhaps due to the presence of caffeine, but the cognitive enhancement goes beyond what I normally experience with caffeine. I tried it twice while working ( I am a software developer, which generally requires an ability to focus deeply over extended periods of time. And once, just after a morning aerobic workout and prior to an hour of yoga. I wanted to see if the product might help me keep my mind from wandering during the uyoga. I can't say that I noticed much difference, but would like to try this a few more times, as, from day to day, a number of differenct factors could be at play, such as how well I slept the previous night etc.
Quite promising so far
I have always been unsure on "focus" products....Qualia a great product that truly helps me be much more focused!
The Real Deal