Synna K. reviewed Qualia Resilience | Beta Tester
It was decent, I had headaches for about half of it, idk if this was due to the product or not though. I was able to complete work for the most part minus my usual stress load.
Resilience review
Noticeably increased my energy, which increased my productivity overall. Was better able to manage daily stressors and stay motivated and focused on tasks.
Hard to track changes attributable to Q. Resilience, due to great changes in my daily life in the last month.
Taking on the day
I feel much more calm and content with resilience and I was able to take on more of the days challenges while on it.
Lifts my daily motivation
I really like this Qualia product. Since I have started taking it I am noticing a lifting of my mood and outlook on the day. I feel like I have a more 'can do' attitude. I take one capsule in the morning and one in the mid-day.