Arnim P. reviewed Qualia Mind Essentials

over 3 years ago

I just received my bottle of Qualia Focus 3 days ago, and have tried it 3 times. I would like a bit more time before rendering a final assessment, but so far, I have found it to be effective in enhancing focus. I notice a slight stimulation effect, perhaps due to the presence of caffeine, but the cognitive enhancement goes beyond what I normally experience with caffeine. I tried it twice while working ( I am a software developer, which generally requires an ability to focus deeply over extended periods of time. And once, just after a morning aerobic workout and prior to an hour of yoga. I wanted to see if the product might help me keep my mind from wandering during the uyoga. I can't say that I noticed much difference, but would like to try this a few more times, as, from day to day, a number of differenct factors could be at play, such as how well I slept the previous night etc.

Quite promising so far

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Thomas D. January 18, 2021

“Focus” is a perfect name for this product so far. Feeling really dialed in on everything lately.

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Florencia T. January 15, 2020

I recommend it!

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William V. February 14, 2021

Excellent nootropic energy, but definitely remove all the Acetyl-L-Carnitine! It causes lightheadedness, dizziness, etc and doesn't help energy/focus at all. Many Reddit posts collaborate! Formula is absolutely perfect otherwise.

It would be a perfect formula without the Acetyl-L-Carnitine!

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