Susan D. reviewed Qualia Senolytic
Disapointed that you don't have paypal but gave 5 stars for this product as I felt more energetic within the first week of taking it.
Qualia Senolytic
Company and quality of product is excellent, I personally didn't notice a difference but I am hopeful it cleaned out my old cells as advertised.
Time will tell!
I like the idea of taking this once a month. I only took the first month but I have felt good over the weekend while taking and feel like I have an overall sense of wellbeing and motivation. I have been struggling with a SI joint injury that seems to be slightly quieter this morning. May be a coi...
Review after first dose
Loving this supplement so far. No side effects after the first 2-day dosage. I am not sure if it was the placebo effect or not, but I've experienced more energy in the week after taking the 2-day dose. With multiple autoimmune conditions, I am hopeful this will be beneficial in helping to lowe...