Pam E. reviewed Qualia Resilience | Beta Tester
Helps with handling stress. I felt better equipped to face the day after taking it! Great product!
Steady and Calm.
I got steady energy with very few dips in either mood or ability to focus. Felt very solid even though it’s been a very stressful month.
Calm under stress
I hadn’t noticed a major difference at first but I did test positive for covid shortly after beginning it. I’m all better now and today was a day. I took one of my extra vehicles out for a drive to keep the battery charged up and it died about a mile from home. My sister came to give me a jump bu...
Once you take it for more than 10 days you can really notice a Diference when you don't. Works pretty good.
Definitely helps with stress!
Definitely helps with stress! Thank you for developing it.