LUTHER H. reviewed Qualia Mind Essentials
It has not done a thing, that I can detect to change my energy, focus, or any other factors that the product claims.
Review of 3 months worth of Qualia Focus
I have taken Focus for almost 3 months now and it is effective and worth the money. It does produce a measurable difference in my focus and clarity and I intend to keep taking it for years to come.
Excellent! Gives me the clean clarity that I need to operate at a high level with no crash hours later
Focus Review
I can feel a difference when taking the product. I tend to take a lower dose of 3 caps rather than 5. The only drawback is that after taking Focus in the morning, that night I often feel a slight negative impact on my mood. It is also pretty expensive, which is a major barrier for me at the momen...
I have found this product to be extremely helpful during this changing time allowing me to stay extremely focused so I may stay on task. I have been experiencing a bette,r more productive workflow while taking this product.
First Impression