Sarah B. reviewed Qualia Mind Essentials
Incredible product!!!! Staying in flow was effortless.
So far so great
I started taking this and in 3 days it seemed to help me deal with my day a little better than I normally do keeping thoughts organized and focus through a high stress day full of challenges and distractions.
Subtle, positive change.
The effects were subtle. More relaxed about stressful issues. Able to focus for longer periods of time on projects. Seemed to troubleshoot things quickly. I was a little day dreamy for the first hour but went away.
I’m still getting used to it. I had to start at a lower dosage because of the amount of caffeine in it. Building up to the recommended dosage. So far so good
So far so good
Creative vs Focussed Implementation
It's early days for me with Focus, having taken it for two cycles of 5 days on, 2 days off and choosing to stay within a dose of 2 - 3 caps per day instead of the 5 capsule dose. Having taken Qualia Mind before for a longer period of time I can compare the two products and the differences I exper...