Jack C. reviewed Qualia Night
The product does not work for me. It actually makes my brain more active at night and causes difficulty in sleeping. I am now only taking one capsule instead of four and I cannot tell whether it does anything. I shouldn't be surprised because most other sleep products have that effect on me.
It Doesn't NOT Work...
Full disclosure, I already sleep good (huge fan of Eternus). Took me several years to dial it all in. However, what I wanted out of this product was an increase to HRV. I never saw an increase to HRV. With that said, HRV IMO is far more complex than a supplement. While HRV is obviously a good bio...
Didn't work for me
I didn't notice any obvious improvement, in my readiness for sleep or in how refreshed I felt in the morning. I woke up groggy in the morning when using this. My schedule has been hectic for a while now so I wasn't able to take the supplement at the same time each night nor was I able to commit t...
Qualia Night
Qualia Night allows for quality nighttime sleep so you wake up refreshed and ready to tackle the day.
Further personal use needed, however seemed like a solid product
Its hard to be able to truly give this a good evaluation as I feel that 5 days was not enough but in the time that I did take it I felt as though the quality of my sleep improved (hard to truly measure, had I been smart I wouldve had some objective data on sleep like duration, times I woke up etc...