Carolyn C. reviewed Qualia Night

about 2 months ago

This Works! Thanks!

This product has worked better than melatonin or other botanicals I've tried for insomnia/interrupted sleep. Take with dinner, get very pleasantly sleepy 2-3 hours later. I've either slept through the night or fallen back asleep most nights that I've taken it. Went from averaging 4.5 hours to about 6 hours. In the 3 weeks since I started, I've had a couple of nights 7.5 to 8 hours of sleep. I'm being careful to take days off. This direction is part of what made me try it. Those who struggle with sleep longterm (& aren't interested in pharmaceuticals) know you can build resistance. This recommendation is easy to miss on the label, and should probably be in the directions, instead of below them. Thanks to another reviewer who pointed this out.

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I take it 4, sometimes 3 hours before lights out and it's really been helping me transition from my 12 hour hair on fire work shifts towards recharging my brain, body and soul during the 7-8 hours of sleep. Your recommendation of 5 days on & 2 days off the product is working 5 by 5 for me. ...

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