Zachary T. reviewed Qualia Mind

over 2 years ago


Qualia for starters seems to be decent for the most part, Need a little more time to experiment with the product, however all my ducks are not in a row, one major being, sleep. Once my sleep pattern is stable, I should have a more fruitful review on the supplement, as of now I do not receive the benefactors of this product. due time will tell if that is from un-knowns on my part, or the product itself. we shall see! Fast shipping, great customer service though!!! Sincerely, -Zach

You are correct, the biggest issue that will prevent you feeling the full effects of Qualia is sleep. Qualia works along the same pathways in the brain that move your memories from short to long term storage when you sleep. If you are not getting enough sleep or the right kinds of sleep than those pathways are unavailable and you will not feel Qualia working. Our recommendation is to pause taking Qualia and work on getting a lot of rest to get your body back on track. Get a lot of well uninterrupted sleep for 3-5 days and then resume taking Qualia to see if you notice a difference and can feel the effects of Qualia working properly.

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