Johnny K. reviewed Qualia Mind Caffeine Free
Qualia Mind has quality of life improvements in every aspect of life, Family, Friends, Professional, Spiritual, etc. Everything is improved by the use of Qualia Mind. This all stems from the very root of how Qualia Mind transforms oneself. There is an inner version of us, often in our minds and hearts, the truest form of us that we know is inside and rarely is expressed because of a disconnect from who we know we are and and how we represent ourselves in the world due to mental lethargy, anxiety, and everything else that follows. Qualia Mind Liberates our truest self to take form in the world and express itself boldly, and solidly. Your mundane life will become intolerable, your true being will be freed and desire and expansive life.
Works well
For me Qualia is working well. Among many improvements I see my short term memory improved. The capsule wrapper or outer shell has an obnoxious taste and often repeats on me. What this is made off is not the best.
Qualia Mind
Great product! Provides me with a level head throughout the day.
great stuff
Gets me up to speed, and helps me keep up with my more complex works, tastes like flavored dirt when I burp though.