
Abtein J. - 2021-03-08
I have used Qualia on and off since they first launched. I will say that I think the original two step nootropic they provided when they first launched was a bit more effective. The new formula seems to be jacked up on b vitamins and all the good stuff has been slightly watered down... either way it still works pretty well. I will say for the price I don't know how much longer I'll be sticking with this company
Tamara V. - 2021-03-05
Regretfully, my experience with it wasn't great, or perhaps my expectations were too high. For the first week of taking it, my sleep got worse, and it got back to my base sleep pattern during the second week - sometimes having trouble falling asleep and 2-3 times waking up during the night with being up for at least one hour each time.
Beverly G. - 2021-03-03
just started
Joseph K. - 2021-03-03
the First Qualia Black was amazing, they must have changed the recipe, although Qualia Mind is good, the first Qualia was outstanding, I can't help but be bummed about it.
Ricardo M. - 2021-03-02 | Beta Tester
Felt slightly more alert
Clint K. - 2021-03-01 | Beta Tester
Overall I feel this product held some with eye strain, but seemed to not be strong enough and have possible negatives too
Stephen P. - 2021-03-01 | Beta Tester
Didn't see significant difference in eyesight.
TJ S. - 2021-03-01
It’s ok but I’ve used many other products that have the same outcome and effect. I don’t think it’s anything amazingly special
Barbara L. - 2021-02-28 | Beta Tester
I did notice a slight improvement in my vision and several times I was able to read up close without my reading glasses
IAn K. - 2021-02-28 | Beta Tester
I didn’t feel it did much
Christopher G. - 2021-02-28 | Beta Tester
I really did not notice a change in my eyes
Wendy P. - 2021-02-23
Took the months supply and felt mild improvement.
mihail c. - 2021-02-21
The expectations for a full, uninterrupted, restful were not met after a three week trial. This, however, does not reflect on the quality or effectiveness of the product. I may be the exception. Thank you.
Roy B. - 2021-02-15
Overall my experience with the product has been good, although I cannot say that I felt a strong effect in terms of alertness, energy or ability to focus vs. my baseline (i.e. I usually don't have an issue on this front). I took the shots on days I had to do concentrated work over sustained amounts of time. The product certainly did not detract from my capacity to execute and I do want to say that I felt a slight improvement (i.e. tighter focus/attention) but truthfully there might be a pla...Read more.
EJ A. - 2021-02-13
I appreciate the opportunity to evaluate this product. I am male 67 years, 6’01” 200 lbs with athletic build. I commit to approx 4 days per week with physical training; including kettlebells, body weight exercise and light run/jog aerobics. I spaced the uptake of nootropic energy @ 1 serving per, taken after midday since I do take coffee in AM daily. I found the energy supplement to have a general positive effect for increased alertness, cognitive support and focus. I did not experience any n...Read more.
Jennifer B. - 2021-02-13
It doesn’t taste good but it provides a smooth increase in energy and overall feeling of wellness.
Harold (Todd) F. - 2021-02-12
Please note that I did not receive my shipment of this product, therefore I have no real ability to provide feedback on it.
Rafael A. - 2021-02-12
By the final bottle I was dreading the taste of it, needs flavor improvement. Need to test longer term to see if cognitive effects are substantial.
Kevin W. - 2021-02-12
I took this for 5 days giving it 3 stars and labeling my experience as no effect. Although that is not true, given the options for rating my experience it was the closest to saying I’m not sure yet. The first day my concentration was worse, I felt groggy (not my usual) and my sleep was off. The second day was a milder version of the first with my sleep being off as well just not as much. By the fourth day I noticed a little sharper concentration but for not as long as with Qualia Mind and my...Read more.
Thomas B. - 2021-02-12
Completion - 5th day. Felt a little "speedy" and anxious. Had trouble sleeping until much later in the day than usual. Would not use this product.
Welfe S. - 2021-02-11
I had mild headaches throughout the day. But I didn't stop taking my other supplements (Vitamin D3, C, B12, biotin, zinc etc.) either. I can't determine if the combination or additional dosage had anything to do with headaches. I like that resveratrol, R lipoic acid and CoQ10 were listed ingredients though.
Doug W. - 2021-02-11
The first dose day I took with my normal 500mg tyrosine...this was too much; I get angry-irritable thoughts when I take too much tyrosine, and that was my experience with "energy." On subsequent days, I did not take additional tyrosine and was fine. I also normally take a half-dose of "life," and I stopped that as well-- didn't feel like I needed it. In general, I found that my mental energy was very good, maybe less than full-dose of "mind," which I am not currently taking. I found the physi...Read more.
Braxton H. - 2021-02-10
Do not drink on empty stomach
Lee B. - 2021-02-10
I’m really disillusioned by this feedback form. If all you wanted were positive reviews, then describe this as an early adopter program, not a beta test project. I thought I was doing this to contribute to product development, but it appears not. I feel misled. 1) this wasn’t a good product for me because I’m highly reactive to caffeine. The beta request did not say “caffeine” anywhere. It said nootropic. This seems little different than a 5-hour-energy shot. 2) the taste is horrible, like ...Read more.
Will W. - 2021-02-09
I took the product on empty stomach 5 consecutive days. I used no other products of your during this period. I had no bad days mentally but those are very rare. I didn't notice any effects good or bad. I regularly consume tea in the morning and doubt I would notice the caffeine. Flavor was bad but bearable.