
paul g. - 2020-10-09
liked the daytime feeling but had reduced deep sleep that got worse as i continued the qualia
Brian M. - 2020-10-08
There was a noticeable effect from the first day. There was a mild energy boost, smooth without any discomfort. Felt good in general. Did not notice any cognitive effects.
Josh A. - 2020-10-06
I started to think of Qualia Mind Essentials as Qualia Mind Light. Nearly the same depth of focus, clarity and ability to think quickly as I’ve experienced with Qualia Mind.
Michael H. - 2020-10-03
I felt generally more alert, sharp and articulate for most of the day, and noticed the feeling about 30 minutes after taking the pills, which have an unpleasant taste. Had headaches the first couple of days that I cannot directly attribute to the product. But generally positive and effective experience.
Yolanda H. - 2020-09-30
Helpful in getting moving but still felt a bit sluggish. Once it gets going it made tasks easier to take out and not feel so much brain fog.
Brandon N. - 2020-09-29
I took Qualia Mind for 5 days. I took it as directed and got good results. The stimulants were just enough to give me a jolt to wake up but not too much. Some days I took it with food because I had upset stomach without food. I felt like I didn't have brain fog nearly as bad as before.
Jim b. - 2020-09-21
I've been taking 7 capsules per day and noticed little difference from mind life pro. Please refund.
Joan K. - 2020-09-21
The product definitely seems to offer focus and energy but I could not get past the taste (harsh, slightly acid-y and salty), color (black-ish) and consistency (a little viscous). Could not drink it more than once.
Erica D. - 2020-09-02
The timing of when I was to take the product was really a challenge, as it did not coincide with mealtime or any other time when I'd be taking other supplements. I also did not feel any discernible change in my sleep that I could attribute to the product.
Hans S. - 2020-08-31
Unfortunately, doesn't work...
Robert L. - 2020-08-28
I didn't experience any positive effects. However, I did have my mouth break out in ulcers and I felt "warm" all the time, though my temperature was normal. I am not saying this is a direct result of the product, but it coincided with taking the product.
RoxAnne E. - 2020-08-26
I track my sleep on an Oura ring and my sleep and readiness scores have been lower every night after taking it. Also, I've been restless during the night waking up 4-5 times each night. This morning I woke up with a headache. I track my food intake very closely (mainly paleo / low carb), drink 100 oz of water per day, get plenty of sunshine and grounding and I do not drink alcohol. Nothing else in my day/sleeping environment or supplement/eating/drinking routine has changed. On a positi...Read more.
Daniel W. - 2020-08-25
It's hard to say if this product improved me in any way. While I'm not looking for an obvious energy boost or anything else (like Qualia Mind may provide), I was hoping for some sort of noticeable improvement to my sense of wellbeing, etc. The primary thing I felt was bloating. I consumed at least 6 20-oz waters each day while taking it, but I still retained water. I realize that the product includes some creatine--and that creatine can cause water retention--but the discomfort for not welcom...Read more.
Clark U. - 2020-08-24
Used for one month following the directions but saw no discernable improvement in sleep parameters (deep sleep, rem, duration, etc).
Sonjia F. - 2020-08-20
Felt lethargic after taking this supplement.
Kurtis W. - 2020-08-11
After using Qualia Night for a couple of weeks, it was clear that this was not for me. It relaxed me at night, and made me fall asleep faster. But I would wake in the middle of the night sweaty and anxious (which is definitely not normal for me). I dreamt vivid, disruptive dreams. I would wake up exhausted. The morning after the last night I took it, I woke up having an anxiety attack. I haven't had any kind of anxiety attack in over a year, and never ever have just woke up in the morning wit...Read more.
Yarlie B. - 2020-08-11
This expensive product didn't deliver what I expected. It didn't help me fall nor remain sleeping. I am still looking for another that does both.I bought it based on its good reviews. Apparently it works for others. Unfortunately it didn't for me.
Tony L. - 2020-08-07
Honestly I've been taking it for a week now and have seen little to no improvement so far, also causes stomach aches when I take it. It could be worth the try due to money back, but I personally don't find it worth the high cost for such little benefits in my experience.
Gustavo Z. - 2020-07-31
So far, no change except for a little alertness. No effect on lack of energy or mid day crashes.
William T. - 2020-07-30
Took as recommended and noticed an improvement in overall focus and clarification for the first four days and since then, going on week 3 now, nothing. Almost seems like I regressed back to pre Focus state. No changes to daily routine over this time.
Clare J. - 2020-07-30
I didn’t notice any difference
Nicholas M. - 2020-07-24
I didnt notice much effect at all on sleeping, it helped me relax a little bit but actually had me feeling wired.
Drake K. - 2020-07-20
Didn’t notice much of a difference
Mac Y. - 2020-07-20
Overall, I didn't notice any difference in my sleep, either in terms of quality, ease of falling asleep, or restedness and energy levels the next day. No negatives either — it seems any effects were too subtle for me to pick up on over 5 days. I am generally pretty satisfied with my 'sleep hygiene' to begin with, so it's possible someone starting from a less desirable baseline might be better served. The one issue I do experience is the occasional night where I can't fall asleep at my regular...Read more.
Kyle H. - 2020-07-16 | Beta Tester
I take a long time to wake up, partially because I regularly only get 6-7 hrs. I found that I woke up about 2 hours before my alarm with a fresh mind. If I went back to sleep, which I usually did, it felt like I was breaking through hibernation. It was extremely difficult to get up. I started taking it earlier in the evening thinking I took it too late and the same thing happened. I took it at 4pm one day and that was a solid night with a good, heavy workout the next morning. I think another ...Read more.