
Michele S. - 2024-06-04
I love it and highly recommend it. I love the whole Qualia line!
Jennifer T. - 2024-06-03
I have been using for over a year. Love it and will continue.
Jennifer T. - 2024-06-03
Great product. I’ve been using monthly for over a year and have no plans to discontinue.
Marianne T. - 2024-06-02
Happy to try a protocol that is only 2 days a month. This is the first month, energy does feel better after one dose.
Carla S. - 2024-06-02
Love the way I feel!
Nelli K. - 2024-06-01
I've been taking NAD+ for a few days now. On the first day I felt a boost of energy that made me think maybe I need to be taking less of it, but over the course of the next few days it balanced out. I feel a pleasant energy throughout the day and feel a positive change in my mood as well.
Ramon C. - 2024-05-30
Keeps me sharp and on A game for sales. Love it
Mark M. - 2024-05-30
This product has become an important part of my morning ritual.
Susan B. - 2024-05-29
Day 2 my energy levels have improved. I'm sleeping better and I haven't needed to nap!
Kritika G. - 2024-05-29
First time trying this and very excited after seeing other people's results
Tyler B. - 2024-05-28
This is the first nootropic I’ve tried and the results were great! I didn’t have any side effects, was able to take on an empty stomach, and experienced a notable improvement in cognitive abilities. Keep up the good work!
Kathryn G. - 2024-05-27
Just took my first dose and am looking forward to seeing how I feel in a month, 2 months, 3 months.
Gino C. - 2024-05-26
I just started taking them. They can already feel difference. I would highly recommend anybody trying this product.
Muriel M. - 2024-05-25
I am excited to try the Qualia Mind 😌 everything I read is positive. Easy to order and arrived very quickly, within a couple days!!! Love the science they give us. I have never seen a product like this with so many ingredients.
Matthew M. - 2024-05-25
very nice
Trina D. - 2024-05-23
This works! It put me to sleep over a weekend which is unheard of for me and following that, I have more energy, better focus and endurance, and I look like I just returned from a spa week! I'm looking forward to the second month's two days of enforced napping and regen!
Luis R. - 2024-05-22
I have some form of attention deficit and Qualia mind has definitely improved the way I work and the ability to multitask all together. I absolutely recommend this product.
Kaye C. - 2024-05-22
Feeling great after the 2nd monthly dose. More energy. Peaks my interest in trying other Qualia products.
Amy B. - 2024-05-19
I consistently get at least two hours of deep sleep when I use this product, so even if I get less than eight hours total, I still feel rested.
Kei T. - 2024-05-18
able to tolerate product
Kei T. - 2024-05-18
So far so good, I am able to tolerate it
Erika G. - 2024-05-17
Feel that this product is well put together..feels like it walks the talk
Maxime D. - 2024-05-17
I've tried many other nootropics and this one is the first that would rate better than just pure black coffee!
Meggan G. - 2024-05-17
Love this product! Feel an immediate diffference!
Kara G. - 2024-05-17
I am so excited to try Senolyric. I’m starting tomorrow since arrived late. The anti-aging benefits are just outstanding.