
Chris L. - 2021-11-20
This product has honestly made huge changes for me and my day to day life.
Emily N. - 2021-11-18
Love the variety
Zachary S. - 2021-11-18
I highly recommend this product for sustained focus. It helps me get into focus and stay energized through the day.
Bree W. - 2021-11-17
This product is truly one of a kind and really works. I use it for when I really need a mental and even emotional boost. It gives me drive and makes work easier! It also gives me this mental clarity that I’ve never experienced before. I made more meaningful mental connections and felt that I wrote and spoke more eloquently. This is a game changer. If it was a little less expensive, I would take it more often.
Alejandro S. - 2021-11-16
At first i blamed the product after i stopped feeling it work, but once I reviewed my sleep logs, along with other sources of caffeine, I found myself not getting an adequate amount of restful sleep. This time around I have changed a few things. Added qualia mind, and qualia night back to my day, and night routine. I’m already feeling way better than before. 🤜🏼🥊
Nicholas G. - 2021-11-16 | Beta Tester
I actually feel more motivated! I've been in a horrible depressive, non-productive slump for many months, and, I kid you not, on the first day i was able to accomplish something I had been putting off for months! This has truly helped me focus, and my motivation is astounding compared to where I was just a few weeks ago.
Derek C. - 2021-11-16 | Beta Tester
Pleasantly surprised. Good focus without any jitters or anxiety. Surprised it’s only 2 capsules.
Lou C. - 2021-11-16 | Beta Tester
Noticeable energy and focus. I’m convinced
Michael K. - 2021-11-16 | Beta Tester
Fantastic, I've noticed I make it longer through the day before experiencing brain fatigue, and at the end of the work day i'm not nearly as exhausted as I was before.
Mike F. - 2021-11-16 | Beta Tester
Almost as good as Mind
Adrian S. - 2021-11-16 | Beta Tester
I feel much sharper during my work. concentrated and less distracted
David S. - 2021-11-15
I love this product! The overall feeling I have ever since Ive added Qualia Life to my daily regiment has been outstanding. I have lasting energy and I am sleeping through the night. I have been taking for months and I can honestly say I feel much better than I did before i started.
Ira N. - 2021-11-15
When you go on YouTube and see dozens upon dozens of paid reviews it's quite hard to tell if this is legit or just incredible marketing. In other words shilling. I believe Dan in particular in an incredible human being, and so I said to my self even tho I'm skeptical I will give this a shot. Low and behold I'm feeling great. Doing great things. About pressed for time but I'll probably write another review later to go about more in depth
Adam B. - 2021-11-14
I am satisfied with this product. I would say if you are a health guru and you have a little money to spend to get a subscription. It will change your life. What do they put in this?
Charlie B. - 2021-11-14
Qualia Mind feels like something likely to make my life considerably better over the long term. I am especially grateful for the effect I perceive upon long and challenging conversations.
Susan H. - 2021-11-13
I started taking only four of these each day in the morning. It gives me energy and keeps me awake. This last week I took five. I'm waiting until next week and will take six. My only problem is it is so expensive.
Michael C. - 2021-11-12
It's been only a few days since learning that there is a supplement that revitalizes skin from the inside out - love the idea. Reviews on the internet were positive so I went ahead and ordered Qualia Skin. Delivery took less than two days - very fast. I just took my first capsules and look forward to monitoring and changes to my skin.
alex a. - 2021-11-12
works great, subtle relaxation then sleep then waking up happyyyyyy
Ollie C. - 2021-11-11
Great product
Huy T. - 2021-11-11
Excellent product.
Kenneth B. - 2021-11-10
I easily trail off in thought during lectures in class, and since using Qualia I’m able to stay focused throughout the entire lecture. It’s helped a lot, and I highly recommend if anyone has trouble staying focused
Roger M. - 2021-11-10
I've been working 12 hour days with a 2 hours of commute. Since I've started taking Qualia Mind my stress has went down and my attitude and attention are through better than ever.
Jared C. - 2021-11-10
Did some research on neurtropics and this came up as the top one. Hasn't dissapointed yet. Still feel the same energy and focus after multiple weeks. A bit expensive, but if budget permits, worth a shot
Trey H. - 2021-11-09
Since taking Qualia Night before dinner I've been sleeping much better and having very vivid dreams. 10/10
Alex N. - 2021-11-09
I actually take the entire Performance Bundle (Mind, Life, Night) as well as the Vision product. I'm 77 years old and work full time for a small not-for-profit and still have energy to cook, mow, care for stray cats and help alcoholics in recovery. I'm quite certain that I would not be able to do this were it not for Neurohacker. I was without my product for over a week recently and was able to notice a huge difference in my overall well-being. The mind product especially keeps me sharp, focu...Read more.