Qualia NAD+ Reviews

Alex J. - 2024-06-15
See what happens
Donnie B. - 2024-06-12
I'm taking NAD+ and noticed an improvement in my energy level. I'm quite active at 42, so any change is noticeable. Excited about seeing the compounding effects!
Bryan M. - 2024-06-06
So Far So Good!
Sylvia S. - 2024-06-05
On my second bottle of NAD+ and was surprised how much better my skin looks! I feel like I have more energy and it’s easier for me ti get things done. Great product.
Wendi W. - 2024-06-05
I have more energy and clarity of mind.
Nelli K. - 2024-06-01
I've been taking NAD+ for a few days now. On the first day I felt a boost of energy that made me think maybe I need to be taking less of it, but over the course of the next few days it balanced out. I feel a pleasant energy throughout the day and feel a positive change in my mood as well.
Susan B. - 2024-05-29
Day 2 my energy levels have improved. I'm sleeping better and I haven't needed to nap!
Gino C. - 2024-05-26
I just started taking them. They can already feel difference. I would highly recommend anybody trying this product.
Meggan G. - 2024-05-17
Love this product! Feel an immediate diffference!
Derek A. - 2024-05-13
The investment in my health and keeping it in the forefront with incredible products, like NAD+, that Neurohacker supplies is worth it!!!
Hana M. - 2024-05-13
Very effective product, I felt the difference from the first day. I took this product with Qualia Synolytic. Improved Digestion, energy level and better sleep. Thank you
Oscar E. - 2024-05-12
I start to feel less tired After couple week's I’m only take two pills in the morning
Mike F. - 2024-05-09
Still early on, only about 1/3 of the bottle I’ve used. I really like it though. I usually like coffee in the morning, and like to have something with a little caffeine in the afternoon. Since day 1 I have not wanted to have that afternoon boost. We’ll see with time if this will last but so far I love it.
Jann G. - 2024-05-08
I've been using Qualia NAD+ for almost 6 months now and find it an indispensable part of my health span/longevity stack. I started a serious weight training program March 1, 2024, and believe it is in part responsible for my current success and ability to progressively build strength and muscles.
Waylon M. - 2024-05-06
Started taking NAD+ Along with Senolytic about two weeks ago. My cognitive performance has definitely been more focused and my overall attitude towards life has been amazing.
Maggie O. - 2024-05-05
Expecting nothing but good outcome.
Sylvia S. - 2024-05-03
Awesome product!
Kelly C. - 2024-04-28
I love the minds behind this company. Such smart supplements but Leo with ingredient integrity. Thank you for what you offer!
Carmen l. - 2024-04-13
Since I began using this product I can absolutely say I've felt better more and more each day. I'm sleeping better also. Completely satisfied
Luke C. - 2024-04-10
I've been exploring various supplements to enhance my overall well-being and mental clarity, and I decided to give Neurohacker's NAD+ a try based on its promising benefits. I must say, the results have been nothing short of remarkable. Within a short period of using this supplement, I've noticed a significant improvement in my energy levels and cognitive function. It's as if my mental fog has lifted, allowing me to focus better and stay productive throughout the day. What impresses me most is...Read more.
Lon S. - 2024-04-09
so far so good!
Sonia P. - 2024-04-06
I felt almost instant results since day 1 when I started taking it along with Qualia senolytic.
Lisa B. - 2024-04-05
I chose this product after reviewing multiple brands. No other product seems to have the formulation put together as well as this one. I’m excited to ditch various other mediocre vitamins, and replace it with this combined product for optimized aging!
Robert I. - 2024-03-29
i was feeling exhausted and unmotivated and i now seem to feel different. it must be the NAD+
Gordon D. - 2024-03-29
Niagen plus other ingredients at a very reasonable price.