Katalina D. reviewed Qualia Mind Energy Shot (Legacy)
For me, this product only gave me a very slight focus increase more than usual with a little bit of energy! I believe my body would take much better with Qualia Mind and also Qualia Focus. I spoke to someone earlier about sending me bottles of those two to reveiw for you and make a story/post on social media channels for your company. Really love what you're all about! =]
Clear focus
Clear focus and clarity without nervousness or being jittery
I will tomorrow after I try it one more time
Four stars as I have only tried it for a day. I took it around 3 after yoga, I had only a bar, my stomach was kinda of empty. I felt a surge of energy and my blood sugar went up 10 points. Felt the caffeine, just like I feel when I have a little too much coffee back to back.