Linda F. reviewed Qualia Original Stack
So far, so good.
It's exactly what it sounds like.
I had been curious about nootropics and how to use them properly for a while. I am particularly attracted to how well the product works in conjunction with it's proposed benefits. I have been studying martial arts for ten plus years now and looking into accelerated learning, then qualia sprung it...
A Complete Paradigm Shift
Quailia has been instrumental in unleashing my full potential as a human being. This product has taken me from one “holy shit, I didn’t believe I could do that” moment to another in the mental, physical, emotional, intuitional, and spiritual facets. I would cut my internet bill before I cut Quali...
Give it a Shot
I was skeptical at first, but am happy I gave it a shot.
Seems to be working
The very first pill I took I did notice a cognitive shift and boost in mood. I'm only a few weeks in and am noticing/tracking the overall changes I notice. I also take some other supplements from and, and I may have to stop those for a time to see what supplement is actu...