Damien B. reviewed Qualia Mind
I feel it!!
I definitely feel a clarity of mind, better focus and generally brighter energy.
Enjoying the experience
Just finishing my first full week using Qualia Mind and while I expect to have a more definitive opinion in a month or two so far this has been an enjoyable experience. I'm experiencing a noticeable boost in memory and alertness, especially in the afternoon for the latter. It seems to be an excel...
Amazing Supplement
This supplement truly is incredible. I can think much more clearly and efficiently and my attention span and organizational skills have improved noticeably resulting in higher productivity! It’s a life and game changer for me.
Great name for the study.
I very much enjoyed being part of this study. The Qualia Mind product combined with the regular Balanced Runner lessons had a notably positive impact on various aspects of my running - the ease and fluidity and power I felt in my daily runs. I did not notice any negative effects from the product...