David M. reviewed Qualia Mind
This nootropic supplement provides mental clarity, focus, and energy to complete your cognitive tasks with all of your mental faculties and abilities.
5 stars | đź’Ż recommended
Excellent concentration/motivation/mood enhancer, been using it for work, study, reading, and daily activities with an overall subtle yet indescribable feeling of betterment. My mind is now like a knife just recently sharpened, it can cut whole lot chunks of ideas without chocking...
Only 4 days in but the initial reaction is great. Increase in verbal fluency and focus. Energy seems to be heightened as well.
Extraordinary Product
This is an extraordinary product. My cognition and senses are heightened - but, perhaps more importantly, I am more perceptive in interactions with people. I am an empath. My empathy, emotional intelligence, and resonance with others has skyrocketed using this product, but with clarity. I do...