Dawn W. reviewed Qualia Senolytic
So excited to keep the anti-aging train going!
Never before in human history
It’s incredibly odd.you wake up knowing you’re 50 but feel 30. It feels natural, and wonderful. We should probably redo our retirement plan to include way more activity.
Give it a try
May have felt a little drowsiness with this product. Felt a little better in my knees. Overall, would try again. Only having to take for 2 consecutive days is nice. It is 6 pills at a time though which is a small downfall.
So far feeling great
I’m be only done one month of Qualia Senolytic but I’m already noticing that I feel clearer headed and have a bit more energy. Can’t wait to see what happens next month!
It seems to be working!
I have only done the first two days but I honestly believe I feel a difference in my cognition and vitality. Brain fog is reduced and I have more energy. Nice!