Jay R. reviewed Qualia Focus | Beta Tester
I work very long hours noticing that does help me concentrate as a welder I need my concentration
Qualia Focus & Qualia Mind
The 1st day of taking the Focus and Mind combo made an immediate difference! My brain fog was gone - it was seriously like night and day! I have opted to do the auto renew because I definitely don't want my brain fog back, and this is absolutely what did the trick.
Qualia Focus
This product gives me a slight focus during the day. It's easier to concentrate on one thing until it is completed. Its very subtle but every now and then I can feel a little jolt of the effects.
Made Mornings Better!
I definitely noticed I felt super focused and motivated each morning within an hour of taking Qualia focus. I didn't need as much coffee or tea to stay alert and was able to charge through a very busy season in March as a CPA.