Lynne H. reviewed Qualia Mind Essentials
I can't say enough good things about this product. I am wrapping up week 2 - dramatically improved mental clarity and focus!
Procrastination eliminated. Focus feels improved. Mind blown.
The sole reason I gave Qualia- Mind Essentials a chance was because Daniel Schmachtenberger was involved. I've never consumed any dietary supplements other that creatine back when I worked out. It should be noted that at the same time as starting Qualia mind I also improved my diet. However, I si...
The first two days I was on it noticed moderate improvements in my focus and impulsive responses/control over them. Lowered rate of changing thoughts and ability to attend to one stimuli for longer periods of time (approximately 15 minutes without switching gears. I noticed on day 3, a change in my overall mood as well, I felt more appreciative of the things around me and more curious and excited to learn.
An amazing first 3 days!
After my first 5 days I noticed a difference on the first day of taking it. I felt different in a good way and felt more focused and energetic in the morning. .
Morning focus and energy.
Pretty good stuff
I had extremely high hopes for qualia which is always a mistake to create an expectation. I’ve just finished my first 100 doses, I certainly noticed a difference. I notice myself with an ability to focus better and reduced brain fog, but I also set that intention upon taking the supplement each d...