Eli C. reviewed Qualia Mind

over 1 year ago

By FAR the BEST Nootropic I have ever experienced. 30% more Clarity, 40% more focus, at least 50% more done per hour when I am on it. I can't recomended it enough!!! 5 Star product for SURE

30% more Clarity, 40% more focus, 20-50% more processing power in my brain at least 50% more done per hour when I am on it. I can't recomended it enough!!! 5 Star product for SURE. 1-4 hours after taking it try sipping a little tea or coffee to get the brain opened up even MORE, or even better take some Omegas (fish oil supplements, piece of salmon etc) and the effects are EVEN GREATER. Seriously this product is a blessing in my life, to increase productivity and focus.

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Taking Qualia has been amazing! If you can imagine your Clark Joseph Kent🧐...now take a dose of Qualia like directed,next what? ” It's a Bird... It's a Plane... It's Superman! Thats basically the feeling i get from Qualia, I become superman. Thanks for the quailty of your product 👌

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