Matthew S. reviewed Qualia Senolytic
Just started and love the fact that this is easy to use. Hopefully will get results similar to others… but very optimistic based off of others feedback.
Renewing 24/7
After doing my 2 Day regimen a friend said “What did you do to your skin? You are GLOWING!”. Even better is the fact the aching in my legs ceased. That was a wonderful surprise!
I'm still taking it so I haven't yet noticed major improvements, but looking forward to it.
I felt energy about two hours after taking the first dose of these pills and it lasted for nine hours. Great product, steady focused energy. Made my brain fog disappear!
Best pill Ever
This is the most effective pill of any kind that I have ever taken. If you told me to take 6 pills the first 2 days at the beginning of the month and I wouldn’t have any headaches all month I would say your a snake oil salesman, but that is what happened to my feet. I have worked in safety boot...