Westley A. reviewed Qualia Mind | Beta Tester
Definitely clean energy and motivation; a little bit stimulating but also grounding at the same time. I did better with the slightly-less-is-more approach, and found more of a balanced benefit at 5 capsule dosage rather than 7. This may be an individual thing physiologically, of course. It's an all-in-one product incorporating a lot of beneficial herbal extracts and nutraceuticals. You can't go wrong!
Great Product
Keeps me mentally clear and sharp as I go through my day. I never have those foggy days mentally. Get a good night sleep, great exercise and Qualia Mind. You can't go wrong
It works
I have tried a ton of different nootropics. Qualia Mind is the one the gives me the most clarity and recall.
Least working product
Product worked quickly which I wasn’t expecting. Even after a few days of use I found recall to be easier, and I wa sable to focus on work without my usual distractions. .
Amazing product that has truly given me a new energy for life