Alison B. reviewed Qualia Mind Energy Shot
Cannot stomach a single dose. I can’t get past the taste to do it & then how it lingers
In terms of clearer thoughts, the product seemed to work relatively well for me. Sleep didn’t seem to be affected positively nor negatively. Overall I enjoyed the effects of the product. If it is released soon, I plan on ordering it and diving deeper with some other testing methods.
Qualia mind
Works really good for me. I do not have to take as much as it recommends. Will keep buying
The Best On the Market Hands Down
I was suspicious of the energy shots at first. I thought it was a marketing ploy to capture part of the energy drink market. I wondered why anyone would need the energy shots. Wouldn’t Eternus and/or Qualia Mind or Focus be enough? Well, after a few months of the company gaining my trust through ...