Sommer S. reviewed Qualia Senolytic | Beta Tester
Areas that had discomfort were so much less than before. I feel calmer, sharper, and remembering things better than I did 2 months ago.
Excellent Product
I have learned a lot about this medication, and I think it's wonderful to understand the benefits of it! Thank You!
Promising Product
I have taken this product for 2 months now, so 2 doses and have noticed greater energy, decreased body aches, and glowing skin. As I write this, my third delivery just arrived! Excited to see the added benefits as I continue my use. I also use the Qualia Life and Night, so unsure if it is the 3 w...
Fantastic Product
While I had my doubts especially after only two days of dosages by the fifth day I felt like I had twice the energy and wasn't feeling run down
Good product, need more time.
two weeks may not have been enough time. I am fasting 14-16 hours as well.