Jerry T. reviewed Qualia Mind
Yes, Hello, I did not see much if any benefit with my first order. I elected to only purchase a one month supply which I have only 2 servings left. I took only the recommended dose, @ 5 days on, 2 off. One thing I will state as a positive is that I did not encounter any jittery feeling or crash or anything to that effect, so that was a relief. In all honesty, I suppose I had an expectant attitude that left me wanting in the end. I will consider making further purchases though, as I fully respect the pursuits of these ideas / ideals.
Qualia Mind makes me feel like my brain is running on TESLA COILS ⚡️⚡️⚡️
Qualia mind
Love your product, would love it more if it included something to support better mood. Thank you for your product though.