Jaime M. reviewed Qualia Mind

over 3 years ago

First time user

Just started to take the caps. No change yet

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So yeah…

This works period. A must for entrepreneurs. I hasn’t been two weeks, but you feel it the first day.

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Meg M. January 13, 2022

I love this stuff!

Qualia has optimized my life in a way I can't really explain. I've been taking it on and off for a few years now and I LOVE IT! It makes life burn a little brighter and it helps laser in my focus for long, extended periods of time. I would suggest anyone to take it if they want to increase th...

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Eli C. March 10, 2023

By FAR the BEST Nootropic I have ever experienced. 30% more Clarity, 40% more focus, at least 50% more done per hour when I am on it. I can't recomended it enough!!! 5 Star product for SURE

30% more Clarity, 40% more focus, 20-50% more processing power in my brain at least 50% more done per hour when I am on it. I can't recomended it enough!!! 5 Star product for SURE. 1-4 hours after taking it try sipping a little tea or coffee to get the brain opened up even MORE, or even better...

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