Theodora Y. reviewed Qualia Focus
It helps with focusing when I study
It works better than I wanted it to!
I found that during the time taking this supplement I found more myself both in a better mood and more productive. During the work day when I encountered extra work or other frustrations, while taking the supplement I found I was able to manage that extra stress better and accomplish more. Even o...
Qualia Focus
30 minutes after taking the pills i felt a steady and consistent effortless focus. This feeling stayed all day and I was able to get more done. Taste could use some work, but I prefer a natural bad taste, than ones that's masked with who knows what flavoring.
Focus Study
The 1st week, I've noticed a modest increase in my ability to focus. My energy levels have been good in the morning with a slight dip in the early afternoon. This is most likely due to the caffeine.