Alyssa L. reviewed Qualia Focus | Beta Tester
Better mental clarity for a longer period of time throughout my work day.
Qualia Focus is a Game Changer!!
Qualia Focus is a game changer! My cognitive function improved significantly! I had increased energy and felt like I could take on any task thrown at me! I highly recommend this product!!
As of my first couple of days, this product seems pretty good
Subtle But Noticable
Taken this on a few different occasions in the last two years. Sometimes it takes a few days to notice the effects but I love it!
Phenomenal Results!
From the 3rd day of taking Focus with weekend breaks, I definitely noticed more mental clarity! I am able to find solutions at a faster rate than before. A side effect was more energy so that is a big PLUS!!!! Huge fan and will definitely recommend to my co workers! Doctors and nurses should all ...