Michael B. reviewed Qualia Mind Essentials
This product had an immediate effect on my mental clarity and focus. My brain fog is in the past.
Focus & Energy increased!!
Works as advertised. Extra Focus & Energy noticed from the first use.
Definitely removed the irritability part.
I switched and feel that Focus doesn't give me the irritated state I would get into, similar to what adderal did to me. I am enjoy Qualia Focus and had no problem taking it on an empty stomach when I wake up. :)
Cognitive Enhancer
Feel wide awake without jitters! Great substitute for Coffee drinkers.
Creative vs Focussed Implementation
It's early days for me with Focus, having taken it for two cycles of 5 days on, 2 days off and choosing to stay within a dose of 2 - 3 caps per day instead of the 5 capsule dose. Having taken Qualia Mind before for a longer period of time I can compare the two products and the differences I exper...