Joanne M. reviewed Qualia Senolytic
Very gentle on my gut so I can look forard to continuing to take this product.
So far, so good
Noticed a difference in as little as one dose thus far… hoping this will continue to help in future doses.
Zombie Cells
It is probably too early to really tell whether the two day program works. The ingredient list seems on point, and QUALIA seems to use top notch ingredients. That said, I have most of these ingredients already, and one can easily buy them in bulk for a fraction of the cost. I will do another r...
Qualia Review
I have taken it one time, 6 tablets for two days. I have felt a new clarity and energy ever since, when I thought that I felt just fine before that. I feeI CLEAN and plan to take it every month forever.
simply amazed
This was an impulse buy I do not regret one bit I grew up on a Caribbean island, and get sick very rarely. Upon returning to the United States as a teenager, I caught my first cold and ever since then I’ve had an annoying post nasal drip that nothing has been able to get rid of. Fast forward, tw...