Justin L. reviewed Qualia Night | Beta Tester
I seem to fall asleep and get some really good deep and REM sleep. However, I wake up pretty alert after about 5-hours and have a tough time falling back asleep. Having taken 5-htp in the past to help me sleep when traveling internationally, I've noticed something similar.
No effect
I did not see any change in anything. I did not suffer any adverse effects either.
Clean energy the next day
Great for deeper sleep, more clarity, and more energy the next day
Helps Flip the "Off" Button
I have only been using this a handful of nights, but I am noticing that a few hours after taking it (I time it to hit at my desired bedtime), I start to get really tired, so even if I WANT to stay up and toil away at tasks, my body and brain don't give me the option. I have noticed somewhat of a ...