Nathaniel M. reviewed Qualia Night
Expensive but if your someone who likes to try and get away with less sleep hours this is for you! I like to get 4-7 hours of sleep and when i take this I don't wake up feeling like garbage I wake actually feeling like I got a great amount of sleep its strange but I don't question it!
Ive tried every sleep supplement out there. This is ridiculosuly well-sourced and well designed. Much more restful sleep, finally.
Initial Results
Although I have not yet established a regular, ongoing routine for taking Qualia Night, I am already noticing that I sleep for longer periods each night without intermittent waking and that when I do waken I am able to fall back asleep quickly. I am more refreshed and productive every morning.
4/5 - Great deep sleep
Since I don't have too much sleeping most nights, I decided to cut the serving size in half during this trial period. I figured this would also give me additional servings to see how the product works over time. The first time I took it, I felt a little groggy in the morning but as I continued to...