BAMDAD E. reviewed Qualia Mind

about 5 years ago

Great addition to a healthy diet and regular exercise

I started using this product with a lot of scepticism, as I don't believe in magic. Having said that I found Qualia Mind really effective at keeping me focused and sharp to a point where I had to reduce the number of capsules I take to be able to sleep! Brain functions best if you have a healthy diet and regular exercise so don't expect this to pull the weight for everything else. If you're healthy and want to push through more work this is a great solution especially if you work in tech.

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Received a code for 50% off and thought I’d try - zero expectations. All I can say is wow — sharper, more focused, and brain fog is completely gone. As someone with autoimmune issues, I figured I would just suffer from brain fog indefinitely. These have changed my mental game — zero brain fog! I’...

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