Joshua H. reviewed Qualia Senolytic
Thanks for putting together outstanding supplement formulations!
Maybe it DOES work?
I took the first doses (2x6capsules) and didn't notice any big difference. I cancelled any further orders, largely because the Senolytic is too expensive. A couple of days later, I noticed I was fully refreshed in the morning after only 6 hours of sleep. I never get up early unless I have to. Ver...
The realms of reality
Oh wow Oh fuck Oh absolute gloriousness And ultimate gorgeosity I feel like a white healing ball Of damnable exfuckingsty Thanks so much for letting me participate I am beyond grateful to be part of the greatest company on the planet in my opinion👺⚰️☠️🌚🖤🐋🎠⌛️What I liked? Well there’s isn’t anythi...