David S. reviewed Qualia Mind Essentials
I’ve taken each Qualia product and this is the one that works best for me. Focus, concentration and the ability to articulate better during conversation are all things I see when I take this product. Day 2 I was out of coffee, normally a rough day, and I felt great through an entire day of mundane work, cleaning the house and such, while watching our children and coaching one of of them for 2 hours. This is where I’m going to vote with my dollars.
Focus & Energy increased!!
Works as advertised. Extra Focus & Energy noticed from the first use.
Qualia Focus
I adore Qualia Focus. It's the only Qualia supplement I have tried at this point due to financial constraints, but it is absolutely amazing. I am honestly convinced it has helped me to get past my anxiety and... Get my singing voice back. That sounds strange, but I truly feel that. My singing was...
It helped my focus a lot. Really felt more in the zone at work
Laser Focus
Qualia Focus is the perfect formulation for me!
I've been a Qualia user for over a year now. I adore the Original Stack and honestly was a little skeptical of whether or not a one-dose, more affordable formulation, could provide the same benefits (focus, concentration, increased mood and creativity) as the two-dose formulation. Well, Qualia Fo...