Bruce S. reviewed Qualia Mind

over 3 years ago

I Am Blown Away :0)

Oh my gosh! Who knew? Blown Away! Thank you for Qualia Mind ... I was on it for 3 days ... and canceled my subscription! So I could get the Mind, Life & Sleep bundle!! I love Neurohacker Collective ... your information on your website, your articles and your products... even though I’ve yet to try Life and Sleep. I do want to give a shout out to Kiki ... I called in enquire about how to cancel my subscription so I could order the bundle ... and she was amazing. I had to chuckle ... my opening remark to her was ... ‘Is this stuff legal?’ :0) Mind has been remarkable... improved focus, clarity of mind, energy, calmness and the most amazing was improved productivity! Thank you ... to all of you. Bravo!

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