Cameron A. reviewed Qualia Mind Essentials
Great product
Definitely removed the irritability part.
I switched and feel that Focus doesn't give me the irritated state I would get into, similar to what adderal did to me. I am enjoy Qualia Focus and had no problem taking it on an empty stomach when I wake up. :)
Qualia Focus is the perfect formulation for me!
I've been a Qualia user for over a year now. I adore the Original Stack and honestly was a little skeptical of whether or not a one-dose, more affordable formulation, could provide the same benefits (focus, concentration, increased mood and creativity) as the two-dose formulation. Well, Qualia Fo...
Subtle, positive change.
The effects were subtle. More relaxed about stressful issues. Able to focus for longer periods of time on projects. Seemed to troubleshoot things quickly. I was a little day dreamy for the first hour but went away.