Reid J. reviewed Qualia Mind
It does help me stay on track, solve problems, get things done, and be more present for my family. The effect on my focus and mood does vary a little day by day, so I do need to be thoughtful about how large of a dose I take. I usually take 4 pills - just over half a dose. I will try taking a full dose a few times to see how it works out.
Works well, but I can't tolerate the taste
I really wish I could keep taking this because the effects are wonderful. I have struggled with brain fog and low energy for most of my adult life and Qualia really helped with those symptoms. Unfortunately, there is a taste in the back of my throat all day that I have tried to ignore, but I just...
I like it - but it's a bit pricey
5 stars for the product, 2 stars on the price point. I like this product. I definitely feel better - more alert, able to better focus on assignments and tasks - when using Qualia Mind. I tried the original version of Qualia, having to take many capsules 2x a day and I prefer only having to ta...
Academic improvement
As a college student, I strived for better grades and had difficulties studying. After one week of taking Qualia Mind, I noticed the change on myself and could easily recall information from my classes without getting exhausted of studying, I felt that my capability of memorization improved, so a...
Exceptional and essential
This product will keep you on your feet all day, with no mid day crash. You will feel motivated and focused without being overly jittery. There is also a heightened mood and outlook on the day while providing a better quality of sleep as well. This is more convenient and effective than the origin...